Voice Prompts for Trixbox. Professional sound recordings by our native speaking voice artists.
Now Trixbox speaks many languages
"Don’t let an amateur be the voice of your business, use our professional voice artists in your Trixbox system."
Give your customers the right impression the moment their call is answered by using our highly trained professional voice artists.
All of our voice prompts are recorded by our fully trained professional voice artists, that speak their language natively, and are recorded and edited in our state-of-the-art recording studios.
Our Trixbox (formally knows as amp or asterisk@home) voip voice prompts are recorded in 96khz aiff and can be transcoded from these high quality sound files into a wide selection of sound formats, such as ULAW, ALAW, WAV, MP3, GSM, and many others, allowing you to choose the format that is right for your telephone system.

"Trixbox can speak the language of your customers, even with the right accent.”
Our native speaking voices make your Trixbox installation sound professional right out of the box. Because we use only professional voice artists who are at the “top of their profession” all of our languages are very high quality.
Now you can replace the standard American-English language voice with a Westany voice prompt product so your customers are greeted with a professional, clear voice that the customer understands.
All the features of Trixbox are supported
The recorded sound files will support all of the major features of Trixbox including voicemail, ivr, call queues, call transfers, call parking, conferences, torture menus, error messages, numbers, alphabet and phonetics right out of the box.
We provide a customisation service for recording prompts specific to your needs.

Asterisk is the underlying technology that allows all the PBX functionality to work. Some of the features include Voice Menus, Call Queues, Follow me, Call transfers, Call Parking, Voice Mail, Transfers and of course phone calls. Asterisk provides you with all the neccessary tools to transform an ordinary computer into a powerful voice communications server. Learn more

Trixbox, formally known as asterisk@home, has become on of the most popular, easy to use, Asterisk installers. It will format a standard PC and turn it into a full Functioning Asterisk PBX. It also comes with a configuration program called FreePBX® as well as extra tools to make your life easier. A perfect solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Learn more

Elastix combines all of the top tools available for Asterisk-based PBXs into one easy-to-use interface. As well as having it's own utility set, Elastix allows for third-party module creation and offers extensive reporting capabilities. These features combined make it one of the best open-source PBX software packages available. Learn more

Asterisk is the underlying technology that allows all the PBX functionality to work. Some of the features include Voice Menus, Call Queues, Follow me, Call transfers, Call Parking, Voice Mail, Transfers and of course phone calls. Asterisk provides you with all the neccessary tools to transform an ordinary computer into a powerful voice communications server. Learn more

AsteriskNow is Digium’s auto installer and configuration platform that allows you to format a standard PC and turn it into a fully featured PBX. It installs Asterisk and included an editor for setting up the extensions, call groups, auto-attendant and everything else you need to get up and running quickly. Learn more

FreePBX® is the major open-source graphical user interface (Gui) for controlling and managing Asterisk once it’s installed. It has many great features and can be updated easily at the click of a button. It simplifies the process of configuring Asterisk by offering pre-programmed functionality through a user-friendly web interface. Learn more

A2Billing is a softswitch solution that extends the functionality of the Asterisk PBX. As well as providing converged services and self contained billing, A2billing can be configured to provide an impressive array of services. These include rate calls, preparing and sending out invoices, as well as accepting payments via a number of payment service providers. Learn more

Star2billing is the commercial equivilant of A2billing and is perfect for those that lack the knowledge to set up a VOIP telecom platform and softswitch solution themselves. Star2Billing provides a wide range of services, including commercial installation, support and consultancy on all A2Billing products, projects and services. Learn more